Join us on our adoption journey.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
We are no longer orphans because of what God did for us. With one simple act of obedience our sins were forgiven at the cross. So what are we doing with the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ? Our family has decided to take a step of faith and do what He's called us to do, to take care of widows and orphans. Our journey starts with adoption.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Referral and Prayers for Haiti!!!

The last two weeks have been crazy to say the least!  I don't have time to fill you in right now or even the emotional stability to do so, so it will have to wait a while.  But I do have something...

Joe and I received our referral last night and our dossier (paperwork) is scheduled to be submitted to the IBESR today which means we will meet the Oct. 31 deadline!!!  (Please pray that this will indeed happen.)  This is very good news.  Things seem to be moving quickly.  We were informed that we will need to travel to Haiti for the first of two mandatory trips, within 6-8 weeks of receiving our dossier submission receipt, which should be today.  This we were not expecting.  God sure has a way with surprises.  So....we are asking for your help.  If you have frequent flyer miles that you would be willing to donate to us we would most appreciate it.  Please let me know if you can help out.

I know you are all waiting to hear about our referral but I can't share anything via the internet right now so you'll just have to stay tuned...

Please be in prayer for Haiti as Hurricane Sandy has caused some major issues down there and the Haitian people sure could use our prayers.


  1. Yay on making the deadline! I was praying you'd sneak through. :)
