Our home study interview went very well and we are very pleased with our social worker, Jill. She is a very nice lady and we believe she is doing a great job. We got some surprising news that day, although we know God wasn't at all surprised! Jill informed us that we have to get egress window installed in the basement before she can approve our Home Study. We were a little discouraged with the news and were wondering how in the world we would be able to come up with the money to put one of those windows in (they're not cheap!) on top of our already high adoption fees.
So we started brainstorming and thinking of ways to raise the money to take care of this seemingly large obstacle. There we were trying to take control of things again........there were tears, prayers, and lengthy conversations with close friends. I felt God saying to me "Trust me child, and watch what I will do." I took that to mean I'd come up with the ideas to raise the funds (which isn't a bad thing) and that God would do the rest. But as we talked and I talked with friends and prayed about the issue it would seem that God is saying, stop trying to do this on your own, I asked you to do this and I'm going to see it through to completion. This is about Me, not you and I will receive the glory. He doesn't need our help and I'm learning that I have to let go and stop trying to control everything. We aren't doing this alone, if God has called us to do this and we know He has then He'll take care of the details. That doesn't mean that we sit back do nothing but we believe at this time that God wants us to trust Him for the funds we need to complete this adoption.
Already we are seeing God provide for us. Joe has been getting a lot of overtime lately which isn't typical during the summer, unless there is something going on, which there isn't right now. We have sold a few things on Craigs List which has gone very well. Joe had two things for sale on there, he sold one to guy who asked why Joe was selling and Joe told him we're raising funds for our adoption, the guy said oh cool, I'm adopted, good for you and they struck up a conversation. We thought that was really neat, then the second thing Joe had for sale the guy wondered if he could pay us by paypal. I said no I don't how to do that and then I remembered that we had a donate button on this blog so Joe sent him over to here pay. Lo and behold the guy came to our site payed through the donate button and then wrote to Joe about how cool it was that we were adopting and that his wife was adopted! Then he sent Joe some scripture verses. How amazing is the GOD we serve?!?!? God has assured us that we are doing what He wants our family to do. The next thing Joe posted he thought for sure he wasn't going to sell. The day after he posted it he had three people wanting to come take a look. The first guy came by and tried to talk Joe down but Joe told him he had two other people coming to look so the guy said okay, paid him the money and that was that! We now have the exact amount of money in our adoption fund for our psych. evaluation, yes that's right we have to have a psychological evaluation! So......thanks for your prayers and support during this time in our lives, we appreciate you.
Join us on our adoption journey.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
We are no longer orphans because of what God did for us. With one simple act of obedience our sins were forgiven at the cross. So what are we doing with the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ? Our family has decided to take a step of faith and do what He's called us to do, to take care of widows and orphans. Our journey starts with adoption.
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