Join us on our adoption journey.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
We are no longer orphans because of what God did for us. With one simple act of obedience our sins were forgiven at the cross. So what are we doing with the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ? Our family has decided to take a step of faith and do what He's called us to do, to take care of widows and orphans. Our journey starts with adoption.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Update and Pray Request

So after having our paper work in USCIS in Haiti for 8 weeks we come to find out that there are some documents that they are needing to be resent to them.  So.....of course we get that all taken care of only to come to the end of that process to find that our fingerprints have expired!  Ugghhh......I totally lost my focus that week and started to spiral out of control, if anyone so much as looked like they were going to ask about the adoption I started to well up and I feared a torrential down pour so I avoided people's eye contact at all costs.

We took care of business and within the week (Friday to be exact) had the fingerprinting appointment letters in my hands.  I sure hope the neighbours didn't see me whooping and hollering at the end of the drive way.  I just couldn't contain my excitement!

I know that there are many of you praying for us and for me in particular and for that I am so thankful.  I experienced that peace that has brought me through this last two years once again this last week and I know it's in part because you all are praying.  It's also because I got my focus back in perspective and took my eyes off myself and put them back where they should be, on HIM.  It's amazing how things just seem so much better when I focus on Jesus and what He has done for me.  Again I was reminded that this isn't all about me and my family or even our kids that we are still to be united with, it's about HIM and His work on the cross for our sin.  I am so thankful for the peace which surpasses all comprehension which guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

So many times during this adoption God has shown me how much I cling to the things of this world.  It's really quite tragic.  I know there are many times I have clung to our Haitian children and have put them in the place of God, this is when things get out of hand and I go crazy!  We must remember to keep God in His rightful place, He is the only One that can fill any void we have, whether that be children, spouse, house, belongings, fill in the blank.  None of that can fill a void that only God belongs in.  That longing, that ache, that feeling like something is not quite right, it's there in all of us because we are not in right relationship with our Creator.  We live in a broken world and we MUST keep our focus on Him.  When He returns that ache will be gone and we will be in perfect communion with our LORD but until that day comes we must keep God in His rightful place in our lives and focus on Him.  I'm looking forward to that day but until then I will continue to run the race the God has set out for me and I'll look to Him as my guiding light in this broken and crazy world.

And now for my prayer request:  our family coordinator has informed me that many of the Haiti adopting families across the country have received their fingerprint appointments and then been successful at doing a walk in on an earlier day at their USCIS office.  I haven't found anyone who has done so at the Milwaukee office but we are going to take the risk.  Joe has taken the day off tomorrow and we will attempt to get our fingerprints done a week and a half early!  It's worth the risk, worst case scenario we return home without our fingerprints done and go back on April 9.  So please pray with me that they would allow us to come in early and have our biometrics taken.  It only takes 10mins to have the prints done.  Thanks for praying!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder. I, too, am constantly struggling not to put my adoption before my Savior. Praying for you! :)
