Join us on our adoption journey.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
We are no longer orphans because of what God did for us. With one simple act of obedience our sins were forgiven at the cross. So what are we doing with the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ? Our family has decided to take a step of faith and do what He's called us to do, to take care of widows and orphans. Our journey starts with adoption.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

God is good!

Well I have a few updates to give.  First off the spaghetti dinner was wonderful, thank you so much to all the people involved in putting that together for us we felt truly blessed.  There were so many people that helped, donated, served, and we can't thank you all enough MBC church family and friends!  The dinner itself raised $1,600!!!!!  After everyone who couldn't make it but wanted to contribute had given to us, the grand total was over $2,000!  That's incredible!!!

We also have a wonderful friend from our church who did a cookie drive for us and sold cookies to raise money for our adoption.  What a blessing.  And these weren't your ordinary cookies they were the best cookies I've ever eaten and I don't even care that much for cookies but they were so good I went back for seconds immediately upon finishing my first!  Yep that's right I and I could have eaten two more!  And then there was the bake sale at our Church's annual Stuff Exchange which a number of people baked for and many people contributed to.  Wow!  I just wrote a note to someone saying that just when I think my God is so great He does something that shows me that I really have no idea just how great He really is!!!  And He continues to do it.  Even in my sinful state the God of the universe still loves and blesses me.  It's mind boggling.  The cost of this adoption is nothing to my Heavenly Father and that is none too apparent in this adoption journey.  He has shown us over and over again that it is HE who puts the fatherless into homes and I can't wait to see the blessed day when this adoption is completed and our babies are united with their forever family!

So when will they be united with their forever family?  I've asked myself that question many times and while God knows, He's still not telling so I'm going about my business and trying not to focus in on the things which I do not know.  Our paperwork is still awaiting Presidential dispensation in Haiti and once that's done our paperwork will move into the court system.  I believe that's a three to six month process but don't quote me, so we've still got quite a wait ahead of us.  Please pray that the paperwork would be signed soon so it can get moving along.  On the bright side, Haiti could have stopped adoptions all together while they go through the Hague process but they chose to think about the children and keep pushing adoptions through even though it's slow.  I'll take it!

BUT I have a wonderful distraction right now and that's the mission trip we are planning to take to the orphanage in October!!!  A team of six people including myself are going to go and help out at the orphanage for a week.  Joe will stay home with the State side kiddos and I'll get to love on the Haiti kiddos while we're there.  It will have been seven months since the kids have seen us and while our wee man may not remember me I'm pretty sure our girly will.  We have some fun things planned for the kids and hope to be able to help out with some manual labour about the property while we're there too.  If you're interested in joining us it's not too late we don't leave until September 29 so let me know!

So that's about it for now, thanks for praying and joining us on our journey.