We had our psychological evaluation on Monday. I'm so glad it's over. It's not very nice being psycho analyzed, we had to take an intelligence test too. Anyway it's over and we're one step closer to bringing our child/ren home! But that's just the facts let me share with you what God has done in all this.
We first started looking for a psychologist in the Madison area. Our insurance company would not cover the cost of the evaluation because it was a third party request and we don't actually require the care. The first quote I got over the phone was for $2,000 yes that's right two thousand dollars!!! I'm pretty sure my jaw hit the floor. I even exclaimed over the phone two thousand dollars!!!!! Which prompted the man I was talking to to explain why it was that much. He'd already lost me at 2,000 so I didn't really care what it entailed. I politely ended the conversion and moved on. I called many more psychologists and got many different responses, sorry we don't do that, I'm not really comfortable doing that, and a few more outrageous quotes. A few days after I spoke to the first guy he called back to let me know that he could get the cost down to $1,200 for us. That's a pretty significant change and it raised a bit of a red flag for Joe and I. So we continued looking. I found a lady in Janesville who was going to be able to it for us for $900. That was better but still a lot for a letter and report. I finally gave up and prayed, yeah I know, I should have done that in the first place right? but I have a tendency to charge ahead and do things on my own in the name of "Let's get it done!!!" Oh when will I learn! Way too many cooks in the kitchen.
Anyway at our next home study appointment it made sense to ask our social worker if she knew of any psychologists in the area and low and behold she did. It was a while before we heard back from her and I thought she'd forgotten so I said to Joe let's just go with $900 and be done (there goes me again!). That same day I received an e-mail from Jill (social worker) saying that she's sorry she didn't get back to me sooner and that she spoke to her guy and that he was willing to do it for $500. Well there goes my jaw again.......I picked it up off the floor called the number in the e-mail and got things rolling.
So back to Monday July 9 in a Christian psychologists' office in Milwaukee. We finished up the exam and the Dr. started to act like a normal person instead of being all business like. He relaxed a little and so did we, it was over. We actually had a nice conversation with him. What a nice guy he was. Joe asked how he would like payment and he said oh we'll take care of that when everything is done and by the way, I quoted you $500 but it's only going to be about $300. What?!?!?!? Really????? I can just imagine God looking down on us and having a wee chuckle to Himself. What a mighty God we serve!!!!!!!!
Let's just take a look at the numbers again:
It's God who will get all the glory. This journey is not about me, it's not about Joe, it's not even about a child in need. It's about God, the creator of the universe and I stand in awe at His mighty works and proclaim to all that will hear me that Jesus is LORD of LORDS and KING of KINGS. Praise the LORD all that has breath, praise His Holy Name!
This is God's work, not mine, I'm just privileged to be a part of it. Thank you God for choosing to use broken, inadequate, vessels like me to show your Glory. I love You!
Join us on our adoption journey.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
We are no longer orphans because of what God did for us. With one simple act of obedience our sins were forgiven at the cross. So what are we doing with the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ? Our family has decided to take a step of faith and do what He's called us to do, to take care of widows and orphans. Our journey starts with adoption.